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Volume 2 (No. 3); May 15, 2012


Research Paper

The Qualitative Analysis of Effective Elements in Decrease of Academic Motivation in High School Students of Hormozgan Province

Sheikhi Fini, A., Fooladi A. and Samavi S.A.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 52-58, 2012; pii:S225199391200010-2


Research Paper

The Study of Domestic Violence Factors among Women in Abhar

Ghadimi M. and Sadeghi M.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 59-61, 2012; pii:S225199391200011-2


Research Paper

Positive and negative conception of God and its relationship with students’ self-esteem and mental health

Khaksari Z. and khosravi Z.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 62-68, 2012; pii:S225199391200012-2


Research Paper

The study of the relationship between sensation seeking and type A personality with doing deliberate and unintentional violation in driving

Babamiri M, Javdan M, Dehghani M, Baryaji H and Abbasi M.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 69-71, 2012; pii:S225199391200013-2


Research Paper

The evaluation of effective factors failing to learn English in high school male students in Minab

Javdan M., Sezide K. and Shoja A.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 72-78, 2012; pii:S225199391200014-2


Research Paper

Hard corals fauna of Larak Island (Persian Gulf, Iran)

Shojae F. Kamrani E. Ranjbar MS. and Mirzadeh M.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 79-82, 2012; pii:S225199391200015-2


Research Paper

Compare the Effectiveness of Task-Process Training and Effectiveness of Task-Process Training Coupled with Reinforcement of Motor Skills in the Academic Performance of Spelling in Students with Learning Disabilities in Bandar Abbas.

Bidaki, A, Zainalipour H, Zarei, E and Moridi, F.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 83-87, 2012; pii:S225199391200016-2


Research Paper

Accumulation of Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, V) in Sediment, Roots and Leaves of Mangrove Species in Sirik Creek along the Sea Coasts of Oman, Iran.

Keshavarz M, Mohammadikia D, Gharibpour F, and Dabbagh AR.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 88-91, 2012; pii:S225199391200017-2


Research Paper

Comparative study of the distribution the marsh crab, Sartoriana rokitanskyi in Hormozgan Province

Mirzadeh M, Kamrani E, Sojae F, Nakhodai S and Dabbagh AR.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 92-94, 2012; pii:S225199391200018-2


Research Paper

Study Relationship between Life Skills, Competency, Perceived Self–Efficacy, Mental Vitality, Adjustment to University and Psychological Well–Being Components in Undergraduate Students of Islamic Azad University of Ramhormoz

Zarei, E. and Klantari F.

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 95-100, 2012; pii:S225199391200019-2


Research Paper

Evaluation of The Impact of Dinder National Park Project (DNPP) on the Local community in Dinder Area, Sudan

Ramzy AY EHussien, Fawzi AM Ahmed, Reem RM Salih

J. Life Sci. Biomed., 2(3): 101-104, 2012; pii:S225199391200020-2

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